The ultimate guide to a clean house

Thoroughly cleaning your house is not the best way to spend a weekend and everyone knows that. If you skip a few of your regular cleaning days, grime and buildup will accumulate making it ten times harder to tackle. In fact, if you have a regular cleaning schedule it will improve the clean condition of your place and make it a lot easier to clean.
Sticking to habits is not something everyone can do though. In this article, we will share some tips and tricks from professional cleaners on how to reduce the cleaning needs of your place.

1. Don’t wait – Stains and spills are much easier to clean while they are fresh. If you let them sit for a while, they will set in and become hard or even impossible to remove. As soon as you notice the mess, start treating it. You can blot a liquid spill or scrape off any solids from the fabric they landed on. Of course, there are some exceptions – mud should be left to dry. Once it dries you will be able to scrape it off without smudges.

2. The top to bottom rule – Gravity works in all cases and if you try to work against it when cleaning, you will lose. Always start at the top of the room and work your way down. This will prevent you from making a mess in areas you have already cleaned.
When cleaning a room, start at the top and remove all cobwebs and dust from the ceiling. Then dust the ceiling fan and light fixtures and move to the tops of cupboards, doors, frames, etc. Follow by dusting furniture, shelves, and other surfaces that are closer to the floor. Finish by vacuuming/sweeping and mopping your floor.

3. The dry to wet rule – Another method for keeping your home tidy is to begin with the dry cleaning. When cleaning a room, begin with the tasks that require dry methods, such as dusting or sweeping. Then proceed to wet procedures such as mopping and using an all-purpose cleaner. There will be less dirt floating around in the area to attach to moist surfaces this way and when you start mopping, there will be no dust and dirt to turn into mud.

4. Start gently – To ensure the best possible results, begin by using the gentlest cleaning methods and move to the more aggressive ones if needed. Make sure you know the materials and tools you are working with, as well as the requirements of all surfaces in your house. To avoid damage, do a little research or test different products in an inconspicuous spot of the surface.

5. Manage your time – This will save you both time and effort. When cleaning a certain , particularly hard to clean area, apply the cleaning product first. For example, when cleaning the bathroom, apply the solution to your toilet bowl first, then find another task to take care of while the product is doing its magic. While you organise your medicine cabinet or polish your faucets, the toilet bowl will be ready and you will be able to clean it with ease.

6. Be prepared – Carry your essential cleaning supplies with you to keep your home immaculate. This will save you from having to go around the house hunting for the appropriate tools and cleaners. To make this more efficient, invest in buying:

  • A plastic carrier with a good handle and compartments for all your gear.
  • A sturdy plastic bucket (or two).
  • A rolling supply cart (it will help you with larger cleaning jobs).
  • An apron with large pockets to keep your gloves and other smaller tools.

7. Follow directions – Whether you are using commercial or homemade cleaning products, specific instructions are important. You should always follow the label on the packaging to avoid damage and receive the best results possible. This goes for products, appliances, clothes, and anything else you are not 100% familiar with.

8. Safety first – Keep your house clean, but don’t forget to take care of yourself. Many cleaning products contain acids, bleach, and other harsh chemicals that can harm your eyes, skin, nose, and lungs. As a result, make sure your cleaning pack includes rubber gloves and safety eyewear. Wear old long leggings or sweatpants and an old long-sleeved shirt in case of cleaning agents spatter. Wear a scarf or a baseball cap to cover your hair. To keep dirt out of your nails, apply a line of petroleum jelly below them. Dot extra on your cuticles to prevent drying, roughening, and cracking caused by cleaning agents. Don’t get your cleaning products mixed up. Poisonous gases are produced when chlorine bleach and ammonia are combined. When utilising cleaning chemicals, ensure that the room is sufficiently ventilated.

9. Take care of your delicates – When cleaning goods such as electronics or paintings that can be damaged by liquid cleaning products, spray the cleaner on your cleaning cloth before wiping. Cleaner should not be sprayed directly on the object being cleaned. Pouring cleaning into your gadgets could harm them, and dripping cleaner into a frame and soaking the matting could destroy your artwork.