Spring cleaning mistakes to avoid

When spring comes, it is time to start on a clean slate, refresh our homes, and welcome the warm weather and the new beginnings prepared. Even though spring cleaning is not many people’s favourite activity, it is of crucial importance for a healthy environment at home. It opens an excellent opportunity to get rid of clutter, open up more space at home, get rid of dust and dirt, and make it easier to enjoy the warm weather.
If you are not big on cleaning, you may struggle with this big scary task. In this article, we will talk about common mistakes that people make that you should avoid. Keep reading to find out what those are and how to steer clear of them.

1. Not having a plan of action
If you wake up one day and you feel like spring cleaning don’t fall for it and get straight to the job. You will need a plan of action. Spring cleaning includes a deep and thorough cleaning of most of the areas in your home. To avoid missing any of them and doing everything properly, make a plan and follow it as you go. Your plan can include tackling one area at a time so that you make sure you finish all tasks there before moving on to the next one. It is best if you start with the most complicated/unpleasant jobs first. A detailed plan will help you clean efficiently, instead of bouncing around the house getting distracted, and not really accomplishing much.

2. Trying to do too much at once
Once you set up your plan, make sure you stick to realistic expectations about how much you can get done in a certain period of time. Overworking yourself or trying to accomplish anything beyond your limits will only leave you frustrated and burnt out. Remember this is not a race and separate your job into reasonable chunks that you can finish in the time you have. By working slowly but surely you will be able to tackle more and be more efficient.

3. Cleaning your floor first
If the first thing you do in a room is vacuum and mop the floor – stop immediately. Before you do that, you want to take care of everything above. Tackle all cobwebs, dust all surfaces, ceilings, walls, etc. As you do that, all debris and dirt from above will end up falling on the floor. Once you are done with everything, vacuum and mop your floor last. If you cleaned them in the beginning you will waste time because you will eventually have to clean them once more.

4. Ignoring out-of-sight areas
It surely is tempting to clean only what you see. However, spring cleaning is about thoroughly cleaning everything at your house. Make sure you don’t forget any hidden areas, such as cupboards, drawers, cabinets, and closets. By decluttering, cleaning, and reorganising them you will feel in control and make things easier for you. Also, don’t forget to dust any hidden areas. Tackle the top of all drawers, doors, and framed pictures. Vacuum under and behind furniture.

5. Using the same microfiber cloth for everything
Microfiber cloths are a great cleaning supply. They are eco-friendly and reusable – much better than paper towels, for example. However, you should avoid using the same cloth for all areas of your home. By doing this, you will end up spreading dirt and germs from one place to another. Also, if you try cleaning glass surfaces or windows with an already used microfiber cloth, you are much more likely to leave streaks and dirt marks on them.

6. Using the wrong cleaning products
When cleaning various areas and different types of stains and dirt, it is important that you carefully choose the products you are working with. If you can avoid using harsh chemicals and toxic solutions, it is best to do that. Always make sure that the products you choose are suitable for the task at hand. Using the wrong cleaning supplies may not only end up being inefficient but also damage the surfaces in your place. You should also make sure you don’t mix products that do not go together. For example, mixing ammonia and bleach will cause extremely toxic fumes.

7. Cleaning before decluttering
Cleaning around clutter is pointless. Not only will you not be able to reach all areas of the surface/floor, but you are also making it harder to clean. Get rid of all items you do not need or want, organise all surfaces, then clean the clear area.

8. Keeping your windows closed
When cleaning, it is always best to keep your windows open. You will be able to clean both sides of them, as well as air out your whole place. Another benefit of open windows is getting rid of toxic fumes created by cleaning products. If you are using stronger chemicals, you don’t want them to stay inside for too long. Always use bleach, ammonia, or other toxic cleaning products in well-ventilated areas.