How to remove mustard stains from clothes and carpets?

Mustard comes in many variations and no matter which one you like, the stains it leaves are extremely hard to remove. This common kitchen product is extremely popular and used for all kinds of dishes, such as hot dogs, sausages, potato salad, etc. If you are a fan of the spicy paste, you probably encountered some stains on your clothes or carpets. Keep reading to find out how the professional cleaners handle with mustard stains.

First, let’s talk about where the mustard stains come from. All types of mustard – brown, mild, yellow, or spicy, have the yellow pigment found in the mustard seeds. In fact, the yellow pigment can also come from turmeric which most commercial mustard recipes have. Both those pigments can be used to dye fabrics so it is of crucial importance that you start treating the stain as soon as possible. Even if you feel like the first thing you should do is rub the stain, do not do this. You will only make things worse. Do not panic and follow these simple steps in order to get rid of mustard stains from fabrics for good.

One of the first steps you should take is to check the care label of the fabric. Checking all requirements mentioned by the manufacturer will help you determine the steps you are about to take. Always use suitable laundry detergents and water temperature.

If your garment is labelled as dry clean only, remove any solids using a plastic scraper or a spoon, blot at the stain with a paper towel dipped in plain water, and head to the dry cleaners as soon as possible.

Cleaning mustard stains from clothes

  1. Remove solids – Use a spoon or a dull knife to scrape off any solids. Do not wipe or rub the stain with napkins – that will only push the mustard deeper into the fabric.
  2. Blot the stained area – Dip a white cloth in plain water and blot at the stain. This will not remove it but it will dilute it and make it easier to get rid of.
  3. Treat the stain – Grab a sponge and dip it in some rubbing alcohol or common household ammonia. Work from the outer edge of the stain and work your way to the centre to prevent spreading.
  4. Check and treat the stain some more – If the stain remains on the fabric, you can use two different methods to get rid of them. You can use a solvent-based stain remover – spray or gel, let it sit for about 15 minutes, then wash your garment as usual. You can also use heavy-duty detergents like Tide or Persil. Those usually contain enough enzymes to break down the stain and make it easy to remove. Let the product sit on the fabric for at least 15 minutes, then wash as usual.
  5. Do a last check – Always inspect the garment for stains before throwing it in the dryer. The high heat may set the stain and make it permanent. Repeat the steps above if needed.
  6. For stubborn stains, mix oxygen bleach and water following package instructions. Soak the garment in the solution for at least 4 hours or overnight. This type of bleach is suitable for synthetic or coloured fabrics.

Cleaning mustard stains from carpets

  1. Remove solids – Use a spoon or a dull knife to scrape off any solids. Do not wipe or rub the stain with napkins – that will only push the mustard deeper into the carpet fibres.
  2. Mix a cleaning solution – Mix 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent in 2 cups of water in a small bowl.
  3. Apply the solution – Dip a clean white cloth in the mixture and blot the stain. Start at the outer edge and work your way toward the centre. That way you will prevent spreading. Once in a while, use a dry clean cloth to blot away the moisture. Continue applying the soapy solution until the stain is gone.
  4. Rinse the stained area – Dip a clean cloth in plain water and blot at the stained area. You should get rid of all soapy residue since if left on the carpet, it may attract more soil in the future.
  5. Air dry and vacuum – Let the carpet air dry completely, then vacuum to lift the fibres and restore their good look.

For tougher stains on the carpet, you can mix oxygen bleach and water solution and apply it to the stain using a soft-bristled brush. Again, work from the outer edge towards the centre. Let it sit for an hour, then rinse with a cloth dipped in plain water. Let the carpet air dry and vacuum the same way that was mentioned above.

You can use the same method for upholstery. You should, however, make sure you do not saturate the fabric too much since any excess moisture will lead to mould and mildew growth. When cleaning upholstery, always check the care label of the piece and do a test in an inconspicuous area to avoid damage or discolouration.