How to remove chocolate stains from clothing, upholstery, and carpets?

Chocolate stains are very stubborn and can be hard to remove. They contain three things that can easily ruin any fabric – protein, oil, and tannins. In order to be able to get rid of chocolate stains, you should work promptly and use the right tools. Keep reading to find out what the best approach is depending on the type of fabric you are treating.
Keep in mind to never use heat, since it will melt the chocolate and only worsen the stain. Another thing to remember is that old chocolate stains are pretty much impossible to remove.

The steps for cleaning chocolate stains we will share with you in this article can apply to washable fabrics only. For dry cleaning only clothes, lift most of the stain with the edge of an old credit card or a dull knife and do not add water or rub the stains since you may make them worse or damage the fabric.
If you stain your delicate, silk, or upholstery fabrics, it is best to consult with a professional.

Here are some steps you can take in order to properly clean chocolate stains:

You will need: a butter knife or spoon, washing machine or a large sink, clean clothes (for carpets or upholstery), sponge (upholstery), vacuum (carpeting), ice cubes, heavy-duty laundry detergent, dish soap, stain remover, oxygen bleach, and cold water;

1. Remove excess chocolate – Use a dull knife or the edge of a spoon to remove any solid bits of chocolate from the fabric. Make sure you do not damage or cut it. Carefully work the stain from the outside to the centre to prevent it from spreading. Avoid rubbing the stained area since it will make the chocolate soak deeper into the fabric. If the chocolate has dried, it can be tricky to scrape away without damaging the fibres. Be careful when treating such stains.
2. Rinse with cold water – Rinse the back of the stained fabric with cold water. Even though hot water may be tempting, keep in mind that it will make the stain worse and even set it. If you can’t immediately rinse the stain, you can use a sponge soaked in cold water. You may also use a stain remover pen to prevent it from setting.
Extra tip: Rubbing alcohol can also work on stubborn stains. If you are on the go and you have to treat a chocolate stain, you may put some hand sanitizer on it.
3. Pre-treat the stain – Use some heavy duty laundry detergent. Rub on the stained area and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Do not rinse yet. Instead, soak the stained fabric in cold water for 15 minutes. Gently rub the stain with your fingers every 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and repeat if needed. Rinse until there is no sign of the stain. At the end, wash as usual and dry.
4. Use stain remover – If the stain is gone but there is still oily residue, you can try using a stain remover gel or spray. Treat both sides of the stain so it is able to properly penetrate the fabric. Let the product sit for a few minutes if you are working with a stubborn stain. Wash as you would usually in the washing machine. Repeat this step if there is still some chocolate residue left on the fabric.
Do not put the fabric in the dryer unless the stain is completely gone. The heat may set the stain and make it impossible to remove.

How to remove chocolate stains from upholstery
1. Lift the solid parts – Use a dull knife or a spoon in order to scrape off any solids off the surface.
2. Make a cleaning solution – Mix 1 tablespoon of dish soap and 2 cups of cold water to make a cleaning solution.
3. Apply to the stained area – Use a sponge to dab in the mixture on the stained area. Work from the outside to the centre of the stain to prevent it from spreading.
4. Blot away and dry – Use a clean cloth to dab the moisture away. If needed, repeat the sponging step. Let it air-dry.

How to remove chocolate stains from carpets
1. Scrape any solid chocolate residue – Use a dull knife or a plastic scraper to lift any solid residue off the carpet. If the chocolate melts, use an ice cube to make it turn into a solid. That will make it easier to remove.
2. Dab with a cloth and some dish soap – Use a dampened cloth and some dish soap in order to dab the stained area. Make sure you don’t cause the stain to spread.
3. Rinse the stain – Use a clean, wet cloth to ‘rinse’ the area. Get rid of all soapy residue.
4. Air dry and vacuum – Let the area air-dry and then vacuum if in order to straighten the fibres and remove any leftover particles.